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Bonjour, pouvez vous m'aider à corriger ce devoir, je suis vraiment nul en anglais, je mettrais entre parenthèses ce que ma prof a écrit. Et si vous voyez d'autres fautes n'hésitez pas :)

I think internet change (conjugaison) the personality, because it's very bad for our brain, they (adj. possessif) play internet is very narssisstic from social network and a cyberworld is dangerous. it's dangerous because, the (possessif) users, no say (conjugaison) who is the other users, they (possessif) users are anonymous, invisible.
And a jealousy is present fort youngman. But, internet is a present for students, the search is facility from knowledge, is a good way for working in the house. They (possessif) personality in the real world and the personality in the cyber is very different. Because, in the real world, a man don't (conjugaison) steal, but in the cyberwold a man steal, he download (conj) music, movie..., and dowloading is illegal.

Together man play (conj) with internet, from different choices, for exemple to search in the web, to have a knowledge, or for playing video games, or fort connecting in a social network... or for buy (v-ING) on line, a dress, jeans or a house appliances.

Now, it's fantastic, the world adopt (conj) internet, for totally. Internet is a cybershop, a cyberworld, a window from internet is a world. They (possessif) users, now are addicted from internet, a browser it's very dangerous but the people don't say. Internet, a computer it's a danger for a man, but it's very pratict (faute soulignée).
Internet change (conj) a personality forever.

Si vous n'arrivez pas à tout corriger, ce n'est pas grave, j'ai déjà corrigé certains éléments mais j'ai vraiment du mal dans cette langue, merci de bien vouloir m'aider... :)

Sagot :

Salut :)
1) I think internet is changing
2) ?
3) Its users (les utilisateurs d'internet)
4) don't say
5) Its users (les utilisateurs d'internet)
6) A man doesn't
7) He downloads
8) man plays ??
LIGNE 13 : or fort, tu as mis un "T"
9) or for buying
10) The world adopted
11) Its users (les utilisateurs d'internet)
LIGNE 19 : A computer is
12) it's very practice
13) Changed

Voilà, je pense que c'est tout ! J'espère que je t'ai aidé, a bientôt :)

I think the internet changes one's personality, because it's very bad for our brain. Social networks can be narcissistic and the cyberworld is dangerous. It's dangerous because users do not know with whom they are interacting.
And jealousy is always present with young men. But, the internet is a gift to students, with the ability to search for knowledge rapidly from the comfort of one's own home. People behave very differently in the virtual world and the real world. Most people do not act illegally in real life but they can be tempted to unlawfully download pirated music or films.

People use the internet for a variety of purposes such as searching the web, seeking knowledge, playing video games, connecting to a social network or for buying a dress, jeans or a househould appliance online.
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