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Bonjour quelqu’un pourrait m'aider juste me dire si j'ai fait des erreurs voila le texte on doit dire des information sur un garçon (a conjugué au prétérit) : The boy name is Gordon ,he is 6 (year old) , he has got a short fair hair and he has got green eyes , he is 3 1/2 (and a half) feet hall . Gordon is wearing a red pull -over, black jeans and a white cap. Gordon is waiting for his parents in the reception desk merci de repondre avant demain merci d'avance.
The boy is called Gordon, he's 6 years old, he has got a short fair hair and green eyes, he is 3 feet tall (je pense). Gordon is wearing a red pull over, black jean and a white cap. Gordon is weating for her parents in the reception. Bon ca va, tu n'as pas vraiment fait de fautes ^^