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bonjour! ✌ je suis en troisième et j ai un dialogue a faire concernant l histoire d Éros et de Psyché .. est ça quelques un peut m aider svp ?
je pense que je vais peut être raconter le moment ou psyché découvre le visage de Éros , puis il se réveille .

you are Eros and you fell deeply in love with Psyche, even if you were not supposed to. Unfortunately, she does not like you , and you lost all your arrows. Write and act on your behalf dialog in which you try to convince Psyche she is the love of your life and that you are worthy of his love. You are Psyche and very surprised that Eros , god of love , pretended to be in love with you . It is , after all, the son of Aphrodite and she is your sworn enemy. Unfortunately, you can not control your feelings slowly you fall in love with him as well . He tries to convince you of his feelings, but you do not have confidence in him again. Write and act in response to Eros in which you appear skeptical at first but then you realize he is sincere and worthy of your love.

Sagot :

A king had three daughters, the youngest, Psyche, was of extraordinary beauty. Beauty so extraordinary that the people worshiped as the incarnation of the goddess Venus. Obviously, Venus, goddess of beauty, could not bear a vulgar mortal is more beautiful than she. So she asks her son, Cupid, to avenge forcing Psyche to marry the last of the peasants, the most miserable of men. Soon an oracle announces the father of Psyche, on pain of terrible calamities, that it be dropped on a rock to be delivered to a monster. The girl, under duress, is abandoned on top of a steep rock, but soon Zephyr by a gust of wind carries the bottom of the mountain. There she discovers, after a restful sleep, a beautiful garden and a magnificent palace made of gold, silver and precious stones. So she enters the palace and is used by invisible servants she hears the voice, she learned that the palace is hers and that of her husband. In the evening, in the darkest black, her husband joined her in the marriage bed and steals her virginity. And every night her husband joined her, but she never sees her face, she deals with it very well and is equally happy. theHowever intimate husband to his wife never to see or seek to see his face under penalty of great misfortunes. The two older sisters who learn of the death of their youngest decide to come to the fatal rock to mourn the loss of Psyche. The latter having learned their visit with her husband, had permission to invite and bring them to the palace with the help of Zephyr. The two sisters saw their happy and fulfilled youngest of wealth became jealous and decided to harm it by all possible means. Time passes, nocturnal husband tells his wife she is expecting a happy event, it also reminds him of his oath never to try to see his face and especially to beware of two sisters who plot a dishonest scheme .dropoff window
On their second visit, the ignoble sisters manage to convince the night Psyche husband is nothing but a hideous monster who wish to eat it when her unborn child will be born. They therefore encourage Psyche to kill her husband by cutting off his head. In the evening, when the husband was asleep, Psyche therefore prepared to do the horrible crime suggested by his sisters. But under his lamp, rather than seeing a horrible monster, she is the best show ever, her husband is none other than Cupid flesh, his bow and arrows placed at the foot of the nuptial bed. Psyche, delighted at the highest point of being the wife of the most beautiful of wholes immortal beings, can not help looking at length, to touch, to kiss the teenager with blond curly hair. But, unfortunately, a drop of burning oil lamp runs on the shoulder of Love. It wakes up and discovers that Psyche betrayed his oath never to try to see his face.
Cupid, wounded in her heart and in her flesh, fled to the palace of his mother leaving Psyche alone, collapsed. The only solution that comes to mind of Psyche is suicide, so it flows into the nearest river, but the river complacent based it onshore without damage. Venus learning the misconduct of his son, and especially the name of the culprit, his greatest enemy in beauty, Eros deprives its wings, a bow and arrow and the set in his room until further notice. Psyche, alone, pregnant, so travels the world in search of her beloved husband. After much research and especially after having avenged his sisters, so she finally arrived at Venus. The Goddess of Beauty imposes insurmountable several events including a descent into hell, but every time it gets help from the many friends of the young god. During this time, Cupid's wings repelled and healed burn. Cupid therefore escapes and finds his wife - he has not ceased to love - just in time to pull one last scrape. Cupid then flew to Olympus to see the great Jupiter and explain his problem. Jupiter who raised the young god and love it for all its nonsense, decides to celebrate the wedding (official one) on the spot. To make this marriage valid and acceptable by Venus, it offers immortality to the girl and made it a goddess. Cupid and Psyche therefore lived happily for eternity; a little girl was born, it was named Pleasure, goddess of the pleasures of love.