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Bonsoir quelqu’un pourrait me faire les 3 exercices d’anglais svp. Bonne soirée ;)
When I was a kid, I was not allowed to have a phone. I am allowed to eat in the playground It is forbidden to jump over the gate
I am not allowed to take off the mask in class You are not allowed to eat in the classroom They have the right to leave high school when they don't have class Peter is allowed to see his friends on weekends
Mary is not allowed to go out the evening Peter is allowed to use his car It is forbidden to throw rubbish in the parc
Votre participation est très importante pour nous. Continuez à partager des informations et des solutions. Cette communauté se développe grâce aux contributions incroyables de membres comme vous. Merci de visiter Nous sommes là pour vous fournir des réponses claires et précises.