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Svp aider moi c’est trop dur
Je dois répondre à ces 5 questions en m’appuyant sur le texte

Svp Aider Moi Cest Trop Dur Je Dois Répondre À Ces 5 Questions En Mappuyant Sur Le Texte class=

Sagot :

Good afternoon

1/ Big Chook and Roland are students.
( ce sont des lycéens car tout en bas c’est écrit high school )

2/ Big Chook and Roland are listening to their principals during assembly.

3/ The king of the Mountain is a found raising event .
There is two trophies because :
- one trophy will be awarded to the person who collects the most donations.
- one trophy will be for the person who wins the King of the Mountain race .

4/ The principal decided to award trophies because :
- he was so impressed with last year’s result
- he decided to award the students for their hard work.

5/ The two friends reactions are :
One of them was desire , his friend thought he was drooling ( était entrain de baver , saliver)
The other one was smiling with amusement.

Voilà j’espère t’avoir aidé

Have a good day