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Bonsoir, voila je suis en terminale et j'ai des lacunes en Anglais surtout la si quelqu'un pourrait m'aider parce que je suis vraiment entrain de ramer sur ce texte sa serais gentille.

Bonsoir Voila Je Suis En Terminale Et Jai Des Lacunes En Anglais Surtout La Si Quelquun Pourrait Maider Parce Que Je Suis Vraiment Entrain De Ramer Sur Ce Texte class=
Bonsoir Voila Je Suis En Terminale Et Jai Des Lacunes En Anglais Surtout La Si Quelquun Pourrait Maider Parce Que Je Suis Vraiment Entrain De Ramer Sur Ce Texte class=

Sagot :


a. False. It's an article from the New York Times and thus American.
b. True. The article is about the role of tabloids.
c. True. The article cites specific headlines from the Sun newspaper.
d. False. There are several quotes from politicians that show that they do care about what tabloids write.

Donc b et c sont les bonnes réponses.

a. True. "I'd like to take the porn out of our press".
b. True. "The paper stuck a picture of Short's head over the body of a topless woman".
c. False."The paper found a number of people who, in fact, thoroughly enjoyed the sexy photographs".
d. True. "Fat, jealous Claire Short brands the Sun porn".
3. False. "Nightmare on Kinnock Street". "If Kinnock wins today will the last person in Britain turn out the lights".


a. Politicians generally deplore tabloid methods and articles - from photographers lurking in the bushes to reporters in disguise entrapping subjects into sexual indiscretion or financial malfeasance.

b. the editors paying tens of thousands of dollars for exclusive access to the mistresses of politicians and sports stars.

c. and the hidden taping devices.

4. British politicians frequently disapprove of the writings of the tabloid press in Britain.

British tabloids write negative articles about those who do not agree with them.

British tabloids wield enormous power and are aggressive, vicious and ruthless.

5. John Wittingdale says that politicians are wary of upsetting tabloids as they can manipulate reputations with their power. Chris Bryant believes that politicians have become too reliant upon the tabloids and should be prepared to stand up to them more.

6. After the confirmation of illegal phone hacking, politicians should feel outrage that a powerful media organisation feels itself to be above the law. They should press for prosecution of those involved and make it clear that the press has an obligation to operate within the law in future.

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