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Sagot :
Tout d'abord, si tu te lances dans un travail de traduction, il faut que ce que tu traduises soit juste, mais tu fais beaucoup de fautes de français : accords, conjugaisons...Quant à la traduction, je pense qu'en te secouant un peu tu pouvais en faire une partie, il y a forcément des mots que tu connais (Hier ?), il existe aussi des traducteurs avec des expressions, ou le bon vieux dico français-anglais... Mais ça demande un peu de travail (!!!)J'ai traduis dans la limite de mes connaissances, mais je pense que ça demande un approfondissement. Tu devrais également retravailler ton texte en français, il y a pas mal de répétitions, et pas trop de cohérence dans les temps, donc en anglais ce n'est pas cohérent non plus.
Real Story.
Yesterday, while everybody was thinking about his own life, a hero became known thanks to his courage and bravery...
October 2nd 1869, a hero is born, but unknown, he's called Gandhi. September 8th 1920, Gandhi rebel in a pacific way/ non-violent way which is recognized by the Congress Party.
In India, he was considered as the Father of the Nation and his brithday is the national holiday/national day. Now, he continues to give the image of a pacific and pure man. He brings the peace. All these information (rappel : toujours au singulier) show that this man has the image of hero. This hero proves his bravery by non answering with the violence. October 2nd is declared « International day of the non-violence »
A hero is not inevitably equipped with supernatural powers such as Spiderman, Thor or Hulk, and he's not necessarily a myth such as Santa Claus, the sandman or Jack Frost.
A hero is just someone honest, with an incredible courage and full of kidness.
Gandhi said one day « the non-violence is a heart quality, which can't resullt of a call to the brain »
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