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Mettez les verbes donnés entre parentheses à la forme qui convient :

-My computer does not work, there must (be) something wrong with it.

-As I switched on my computer, there was an explosion. There must (be) something wrong on the net, not at this time of night !

-He can't (surf)

-| can't find my cell phone. I must (leave) it at the restaurant

-I might (take) a break around Christmas.

-Where is Jane? She might (wait)
for you at the airport.

-I can hear noises in the baby's room. He must (be) awake.

-He has not fully recovered (récupéré) yet.He may (not / enter)
.the competition.

-| don't understand why he didn't come. He must (change) his mind.

Sagot :

Réponse :

-My computer does not work, there must BE something wrong with it.

-As I switched on my computer, there was an explosion. There must BE something wrong on the net, not at this time of night !

-He can't SURF

-| can't find my cell phone. I must HAVE LEAFT it at the restaurant

-I might TAKE a break around Christmas.

-Where is Jane? She might BE WAITING for you at the airport.

-I can hear noises in the baby's room. He must BE awake.

-He has not fully recovered (récupéré) yet.He may NOT BE ABLE TO ENTER the competition.

-| don't understand why he didn't come. He must HAVE CHANGED his mind.

Explications :


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