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CONSIGNE : Image vous-même en 2030 : vous avez un enfant de 11 ans. Notez sur une feuille :
-all the things you will or won't make him do
-all the things you will or won't let him do
Alors j'ai fais un petit truc sur Reverso mais je sais pas si ça veut dire quelque chose le voici :
If in 2030 I have a 11-year-old child, I shall let him(it) go out outside if he(it) has finishes his(her,its) homework(duties), he will have to return at 7:00 pm to eat. If it is the weekend he can go out having eaten but he will have to bring in to take a shower at 9:00 pm. He can play video games but only if I authorize him(it) to him(her), it is necessary not whether it is violent games(sets). I shall authorize him(her) to look at horror movies, they are not terrible any more nowadays and he(it) is enough tall(big). He will have to help in household chores. Do the dishes if it is a boy or to vacuum if it is a girl. My child will have to get dressed correctly, if it is a girl no provocating dress, for a boy not in jogging every day. He will have to have good friends, no hooligans. He will have to remain polite to the grown-ups.
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