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Pouvez vous me corriger la traduction de mon dialogue

Le voici en francais:

Il rentre à la maison et s'aperçoit que toute la maison est cassée.

Fils: Papa! Où est tu?

Monstre: Que veut tu petit être ?!

Fils: où est mon père? Que lui voulez-vous?

Monstre: Il est dans mon vaisseau. Je l'aie pris avec moi pour qu’ils puissent me construire la machine qui détruira l'humanité.

Fils: Rendez-moi mon père tout de suite sinon il vous arrivera malheurs!

Monstre : Faites ce que vous voulez mais personne n'arrivera à m'enlever votre père.

Fils: Crois moi je ne laisserai pas mon père entre vos main. Vous pensez vraiment que mon père acceptera de vous faire cette machine?!

Monstre : s’il refuse je le tuerai!

Fils: Le monstre monte dans le vaisseau .Non! Non! Papa! Ne t'inquiète pas je viendrais te sauver!!

Le voici en Anglais:

He comes home and sees that the whole house is broken.

Son: Dad! Where are you?

Monster: What does you little one!

Son: where is my father? What do you want him?

Monster: It is in my ship. I have taken with me so they could build me the machine that will destroy humanity.

Son: Give me back my father right away if you happen misfortunes!

Monster: Do what you want but no one will come to take away your father.

Son: Believe me I will not let my father in your hand. You really think my father will agree to this machine you ?!

Monster: if he refuses I will kill him!

Son: The monster rises in the .No ship! I Will Not! Daddy! Do not worry, I'll come save you !!

Sagot :

He comes back to home and sees that the whole house is broken .

Son:-dad!where are you?

Monster:-what do you want little one!

Son:- where is my father ? What do you want to him?

Monter:-he is in my vessel . I've take him with me because I want him to make the machine who destroy humans for me !

Son:- give me my father back and now or a misfortunes will come to you!

Monter:-you can do what you want but no one will come to take your father out .

Son:-believe me I will not let my father between your hands . And You really think that my father will agree to make this machine for you?!

Monster :-if he refuses I will kill him!

Son:-the monster don't come up in the vessel . No!no!dad!dont worry I'll come to save you!!