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bonjours pouvez vous m'aider pour cette exerciceen anglais il faut regarder une video mais je ne sais commentvous la montrer aidez moi svp . Watch the scene where Nick gets lost again, then imagine how he described what happened to him. Fill in the sentences with the correct verbs. Turn your Workbook for help. 1(a) see .................................... behind and (d) , so I (c)..... ............... an empty corridor. And I (e) was. 1(f). Where (h). in a long room... Bam! A door (j). (1).............. it.. it (m)............. 1 (p). .. behind me but there (g)............ .you............ me! I (n) a ghost! But it (q). anyone there! to? 1 (i) ..! The floorboard (k).. ...me? Well, yes, quite a bit actually: a darker room. I (0).......... lost. ha a fost la o strange noises only my reflection in a mirror!
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