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Bonsoir a tous c très urgent c pour lundi c très urgent JE SUIS EN SEONDE
il faut inventer la suite de l'histoire du mystérieux quartier, il faut dire pourquoi le père n'a pas raconter l'histoire du mystérieux quartier en utilisant le superlatif+ want+ prétérit
sans dire pk le père ne voulait pas dire a son fils l'histoire du quartier quel était la chose importante qu'il ne voulais pas dire tout en restant sur les dialogue et le prétérit du texte
the moment before he started was my favorite moment. "Once upon a time, New York City had a sixth borough." " What's a borough? "it's like a neighborhood. Or a collection of neighborhoods." "So if there was once a sixth borough, then what are the five boroughs ?" "Manhattan obviously, Brooklyn, Queens, staten island, and the Bronx" "have i ever been to any of the other boroughs?" Here we go." " i just want to know." "We went to the Bronx zoo once, a few years ago. Remember that?" "No." "And we've been to Brooklyn to see the roses at the botanic garden." "Have i been to Queens?" "I don't think so." "Have i been to staten island?" "No." "Was there really a sixth borough?" "I've been trying to tell you." "No more interruptions. I promise."
When the story finished, we turned the radio back on and found someone speaking french. That was especially nice, because it reminded me of the vacation we just came back from, which i wish never ended. After a while, dad asked me if i was awake. i told him no, because i knew that he didn't like to leave until i had Fallen asleep, and i didn't want him to be tired for work in the morning. he kissed my forehead and said good night, and then he was at the door. "Dad?" "Yeah, Buddy?" "Nothing."

Sagot :

Good good bonne chance
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