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je doit faire une histoire d'horreur en anglais en 4 ème mais je n'est pas d'iée

Sagot :

Tu peut commencer par:
Once upon a time ,
I saw a wolf ... tu peut continuer avec un loup ou si ça doit etre réaliste tu peut dire:
I saw a person who doesn't a ear... puis tu essaye de trouver d'autres éléments qui peut t'inspirer!! 
Ou sinon tu peut regarder un film d'horreur avant et tu prends ds éléments du film que tu traduis en anglais

the devil's house

the devil's house

The Haunting "as it was later called, was built in 1928.
Colonial-style three-story, she located 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville affluent neighborhoods (Long Island), not far from New York.

The family DeFoe

Before the tragic night when it's over their lives, the DeFeos were normal people who loved life.
The members of the DeFeo family were Ronald Sr., Louise, Ronald Jr, Poignez, Allison, Mark and John Matthew.
Ronald DeFeo Jr., the only survivor, was charged with six life sentences in Greenhaven Prison.
They lived at 112 Ocean Ave.
Currently, the street name and address have been changed
The DeFeos lived in an apartment in Brooklyn, close to where Mr. DeFeo worked.
They were delighted with their new life since they moved to Amityville, especially for home, for they had now 2 1/2 floors more than a finished basement.
As an emblem of their new life, a sign was added to the front garden where it is register, "HIGH HOPES"

Ronald DeFeo Sr., son Rocco DeFeo, is managing director of The Brigante-Karl Buick Concession Coney Island, Brooklyn.
He loves his children and raised them with guidance and love.
According to Ronald Jr, Ronald M. DeFeo Jr struck again even if it was an adult.
An incident occurred the day before the murders:
Ronald Ronald Sr and Jr were seen in the mouth of the basement.
Ronald Jr left with a bloody lip.
According to Ronald DeFeo, Jr. and another family, Ronald DeFeo Sr. had relations with some friends and relatives to criminal records.
In general, Ronald DeFeo Sr. was a good man who loved his family and his life.
The day of his murder, Mr. DeFeo had to go to work and bring his son, Mark, who had a football injury to the doctor.

Louise DeFeo is the daughter of Michael Brigante.
There is not much information about Ms. Defeo in books.
Ronald DeFeo, Jr. has accused her mother of being unfaithful to Mr. DeFeo, but this claim would not really known foundation.

According to his friends, Allison DeFeo was a quiet girl.
Whenever Ronald DeFeo, Jr. raised his voice in the house, she closed her bedroom door to block the sound of the discussions that Ronald Sr and Jr Ronald had.
She spent her summer in the pool with his friends.
She was 13 years old when he was killed.

John DeFeo was seven years old when he died.
It has been described as a nice little boy by friends Allison.
The day before the murders, John DeFeo and his friend sat on the step of his basement and watched secretly Ronald Sr and Jr Ronald argue.
Ronald Jr left with a bloody lip.

There is not much information about Mark DeFeo, except that the day of his murder, Mr. DeFeo was supposed to take Mark to the doctor for a football injury.
During the football season, Mark DeFeo had a serious injury and required him temporary use of crutches and a wheelchair.
He died at the age of 12.

Dawn DeFeo was 18 when her murder.
According to Ronald DeFeo, Jr., there were several discussions about the music she was listening.
It seems that his brother did not like the popular black musicians at that time.
According to Ronald DeFeo, Jr., his sister helped him stay on probation by giving a sample of his urine, which helped Ronald DeFeo, Jr. to succeed his anti-drug tests.
In that time, Ronald Jr. was an occasional heroin user.

Shaggy was the family sheepdog.
Ronald DeFeo, Jr. passionately hated and conspired to kill him several times.
The only reason why he had not done so because his father had told him that no matter what happened to the dog, it would pass on his back.
During the murders, Shaggy did not stop yapping.
A few days after the murders, Shaggy was adopted by a family.What will happen next we will see in the next episode

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