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Pouvez-vous me faire une biographie quelqu'un de célèbre en anglais sur : sa date de naissance et de mort, son enfance, sa famille( frère, sœurs et parents ) et sa vie publique ( ce qui la rendu célèbre )
SUR QUI VOUS VOULEZ ! S'il vous plaît !

Sagot :

voici ce que j'ai trouvé c'est sur Adolf Hitler :remerci-moi

Adolf Hitler was born April 20, 1889 in Austria. Student poor and orphaned at age 18, he saw his paintings and odd jobs. In 1914 Germany went to war, he then enlisted as a volunteer and will be appreciated by his superiors. Hurt is to his hospital bed he learns that a revolution overthrew Emperor Wilhelm II to establish a republic and that the armistice was signed.

After the war, he became the head of the German Workers' Party he transforms into Nazi Party (NSDAP) a few months later. It attempts to take power by revolution. His plan fails and he goes to jail because of high treason.

In prison, Hitler wrote a book called Mein Kampf ("My struggle" in English) in which he speaks of himself and Nazism.

In 1933, before the difficulties of the economic crisis of the German people, Hitler chose to campaign promises of work. It is through elections that is, January 30, 1933, Reich Chancellor, that is to say, head of the German government and Führer ("guide") in 1934. He gives confidence to the Germans, thirsty vengeance.