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Mason fait visiter Manhattan a suzy qui s'extasie devant cette partie de new York qu'elle ne connait pas.Je doit complèté ce que mason dit en utilisant un superlatif a chaque fois.En utilisant l'exemple.
Ex: a.suzy:wow!this building is so impressive!
Mason:yeah,well,it's the Rose Center For earth and Space.I think it's the most impressive building on mahattan.
B:suzy.:look at that !this building is so hight!
Mason:yeah,it's the empire state building,it's.........
C.suzy:i don't believe it !this place is so buzy!
Mason: well,it's Times square,toi know,it's.....
d:suzy:wow!this park is so big!
Mason :yeah,actually,central park is....
E:suzy :amaizing!this restaurant looks so old and it's in such a modern neighbourhood!
Mason :i's the fraunces's.....
F. Suzy :fantastic!this building is so original!
Mason :it's my favorite too:the chrysler's......
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