Repondre aux 4 questions svp Urgent ( reponse Elaborer) c'est noter svp ses urgent je veux avoir une bonne note svp ;)
What do you think about graffiti ? Is it really art ?
Is there much graffitiin your town or city ?
Do you think it makes your town or city look better or not ?
Should the police stop graffiti artists ?
Svp aidez moi ses urgents ! :) moi jhabite dans la campagne je peux pas dire grand chose svp .
1 - The graffiti is an art personnality. 2- Yes, it is really art, i like it because, sometimes it's really. 3 - In my city, there isn't any graffiti. 4 - ? 5 - No, they don't. She should it is an art and sometimes it's nice.