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Sagot :
In the center of the billing, at the first plan, we can see the lead actress of the film, Angelina Jolie, at the second plan, we catch sight of the forest with all their residents and the princess Aurore, played by Elle Fanning, finally, at the last plan, we have impression that behind the fog, there is an another world. The color blue means the imaginary side of the film and the black side, means, the sadness of the film. The title is in yellow for the contrast. The film was shot by Robert Stromberg, it was released the 28th may 2014 and lasts 1h37min.
Voilà, c'est ma traduction, j'espère t'avoir aidé ! Goodbye ;) See you soon ! ^^
Voilà, c'est ma traduction, j'espère t'avoir aidé ! Goodbye ;) See you soon ! ^^
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