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" Ruby Bridges' diary "

Je dois rédiger les deux 1ères pages du journal intime de la jeune Ruby Bridges
Elle commencera par se présenter (nom, prénom, âge, statut, goûts)
Elle parlera du contexte social dans lequel elle vit et expliquera tout ce qui est interdit au quotidien. (4 exemples concrets de ce que Afro-Américains n'avaient pas le droit de faire). Dire ce qu'elle en pense

Puis elle décrira une journée d'école , ce qu'elle a fait, vu, subi ( les problèmes auxquels elle a fait face) et enfin ce qu'elle a ressenti (indiquer le jour, décrire les événements dans l'ordre chronologique , évoquer ses sentiments)

(E 5: Ecrire un court récit, une description)

Svp c'est pour demain et j'y arrive pas quelqu'un pourrais m'aider ou bien juste me donner quelques idées, conseils....ect ?!

Sagot :

My name is Ruby Bridges, I'm 60 years old, I am married to Malcolm Hall, I have experienced many things such as when the board of education put out a test for black children, to measure whether or not they could attend an all-white school. I was one of only six kids in New Orleans who passed the test.That fall, when school started, Iwas the first black child in the south to that school. I was escorted to the doors by federal marshals. but my second year went more smoothly than the first, but there was still racism towards me, one child refused to be my friend because I was black. After finishing my studies I got married, and lived hapily ever after.
At my age, African americans didn’t get any money for their work and were living in very bad conditions. They also were not allowed to attend the same schools or go to the same churches as whites, neither they had the right to vote.
As an African Ammerican, Im against racism, people are equal either if they're black or white, Hispanic or asian. We are all humans and none of us is a slave to the other race.
November 14, 1960, on the morning of the first day of school, me and my mother were escorted by four federal marshals because the local and other federal officials were not willing to protect me. I  walked past crowds of people screaming vicious and derogatory things at me. However, this did not frighten me : what did frighten me was a woman holding a black baby doll in a coffin.