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Anglais- phrases à la forme passive.


Je dois mettre des phrases à la forme passive, j'ai commencé mais je n'arrive pas à finir ma phrase. Merci de votre gentillesse.

1- the counsellors study the feasibility of the projects :

The feasibily of the projects (has been?) of the consellors study

2- Brussels will give more and more money for environment-friendly European projects.

More and more money ......

3) the burgmeister of Güssing started a green policy more than twenty years ago.

A green policy has been the burgmeister of Gussing started more than twenty years ago.

4) all the inhabitabts can control the loxal policy for energy.

The local policy for energy has been can control of the all the inhabitants.

D) un journaliste a enregistré les avis des passants sur l'avenir de la planète. Recopier les propos de ces passants en mettant les verbes à la forme exigée.

1) " i think water (disappear c'est donc disapped?) if we don't save it"

2) "many years ago, we (can = caught?) breathe clean air in the cities; today, there (be = are) only fumzs and exhausts..."

3) "global warming (increase) for a few years, we must do something about that"


Sagot :

1- the counsellors study the feasibility of the projects :

The feasibily of the projects is studied by the consellors. 

2- Brussels will give more and more money for environment-friendly European projects.

More and more money for environment-friendly European projects will be given by Brussels.

3) the burgmeister of Güssing started a green policy more than twenty years ago.

More than 20 years ago a green policy was started by the Burgmeister (Mayor) of Güssing.

4) all the inhabitants can control the local policy for energy.

The local policy for energy can be controlled by all the inhabitants.

D) un journaliste a enregistré les avis des passants sur l'avenir de la planète. Recopier les propos de ces passants en mettant les verbes à la forme exigée.

1) " i think water (disappear c'est donc disapped?) if we don't save it"
I think water will disappear if we don't save it

2) "many years ago, we (can = caught?) breathe clean air in the cities; today, there (be = are) only fumzs and exhausts..."
Many year ago we could breath clean aire in the cities.  Today there are only fumes and exhausts

3) "global warming (increase) for a few years, we must do something about that"