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 Read the article (from the magazine Today in English - April 2015) and do the reading activities.


 You’re a film critic. Complete the grid about the film dealt with in the article (in English of course ! Complete sentences are not always necessary) : A2 / 6.5

Title of the film : __________________________________________________
Film genre : ______________________________________________________
Director: _________________________________________________________
Actors and actresses: - __________________________________________
- __________________________________________
- __________________________________________
Plot (=intrigue): ________________________________________________________________________

 Now complete the grid about the film director (in English of course ! Complete sentences are not necessary) : A2 / 7.5

Name : __________________________________________________________
Age : ____________________________________________________________
Birthplace : _______________________________________________________
Family’s residence / Family’s address : _________________________________
Father’s job : ______________________ Workplace :__________________________________
Mother’s job : ______________________ Workplace : _________________________________
Prizes :
Title of her film Prize Date Name of the festival


 Answer the following questions with complete sentences in English : B1 / 6
1. In your opinion, in Ava DuVernay’s personal life, what motivated her to direct the film Selma ?

2. What tragic events took place at Edmund Pettus Bridge?

3. How does the Oscar ceremony (the equivalent of the French Cesars) reflect racism and discriminations in the American society?

RESULT: / 20

 Réflexion sur la langue:
Relis la phrase: [...] she had only made two microbudget indie features, one of which, Middle of nowhere, won her a director’s award [...]
Relève le pronom relatif: ____________
Relève son antécédent: ____________
Explique le choix du pronom relatif : ___________________________________________________

Relis la phrase : [...] her family moved back to their home of Alabama, where her father is still a mail man in Montgomery [...]
Relève le pronom relatif: ____________
Relève son antécédent: ____________
Explique le choix du pronom relatif : ___________________________________________________

Sagot :

GLOBAL COMPREHENSION: You’re a film critic. Complete the grid about the film dealt with in the article (in English of course! Complete sentences are not always necessary): A2 / 6.5
Title of the film: Selma
Film genre: Drama and biographic and social and historical movie
Director: __ Ava Marie DuVernay (born August 24, 1972)
Actors and actresses: - David Oyelowo (as Martin Luther Martin King) and Oprah Winfrey (were quoted in the article)
Plot (=intrigue): Selma tells the story of Dr King’s triumphant crusade to win rights for black voters with the 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama. Now complete the grid about the film director (in English of course! Complete sentences are not necessary): A2 / 7.5 Name: _Ava Marie DuVernay Age: 42 Birthplace: _ near Compton in LA (LA = Los Angeles) Family’s residence / Family’s address: Alabama Father’s job: mail man Workplace: in Montgomery Mother’s job: (unknown) Workplace: in Selma Prizes: her a director’s award in 2012 at Sundance (Sundance le principal festival américain de cinema indépendant créé en 1985 par Robert Redford).
Title of her film Prize Middle of Nowhere
Date 2012 Name of the festival; Sundance DETAILED COMPREHENSION: w Answer the following questions with complete sentences in English: B1 / 6 1. In your opinion, in Ava DuVernay’s personal life, what motivated her to direct the film Selma? Obviously she was concerned through her family history living in Alabama and went through who lived this riot provoked the confrontations between black voters and white riot* police at the start of the march Dr King’s triumphant crusade to win rights for black voters with the 1965 march from Selma to Montgomery, Alabama.   2. What tragic events took place at Edmund Pettus Bridge? Riot provoked the confrontations between black voters and white riot* police at the start of the march   3. How does the Oscar ceremony (the equivalent of the French Cesars) reflect racism and discriminations in the American society? The Oscar ceremony did not reward any black actors and therefore the film industry reflected the white industry
RESULT: / 20

x Réflexion sur la langue:
Relis la phrase: [...] she had only made two microbudget indie features, one of which, Middle of nowhere, won her a director’s award [...]
Relève le pronom relatif: which
Relève son antécédent: one of
Explique le choix du pronom relatif : one which refers to one of the two microbudgets
Relis la phrase : [...] her family moved back to their home of Alabama, where her father is still a mail man in Montgomery [...]
Relève le pronom relatif: Where
Relève son antécédent: Alabama
Explique le choix du pronom relatif : where indique le lieu