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Choisis le pronom relatif qui convient pour chaque phrase. a. Mrs Hudson was the woman who/which cleaned Sherlock's flat. b. Baker Street station is where / when you can see the Sherlock Holmes statue c. Watson and Holmes found a clue which / when helped them solve the case. d. Early in the morning was when / where Sherlock did his best work.​

Sagot :



Réponse :

Choisis le pronom relatif qui convient pour chaque phrase.

a. Mrs Hudson was the woman who cleaned Sherlock's flat.

b. Baker Street station is where  you can see the Sherlock Holmes statue

c. Watson and Holmes found a clue which  helped them solve the case.

d. Early in the morning was when  Sherlock did his best work.​

Explications :

who ( qui ): antécédent humain

where ( où ): antécédent lieu

which ( qui ): antécédent 'objet'; chose...

when ( quand ): antécédent lieu