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TEXT N° THE STEPS TO SUCCESS There is a very close link between "goal", "motivation", "organization" and " success". Where there no goal, there is no motivation. Where there is no motivation , there is no organization . And where there is no organization, there is no real success. If you want to succeed at school, you must have a goal. You must ask yourself a question: "Why are you going to school"? The answer to that question is your goal. And when the goal is there, motivation is also there, you will do all possible efforts to succeed. Where there is no effort, there is no success. Organization is your first effort. Organize your time and your activities. Make a list of all your daily activities, including homework, outings, visits, leisure, the study and practice of different subjects . Set your priorities. Give priority to school activities and housework. Exclude from the list all the useless activities. Organize all the useful activities in your personal timetable. if you don't respect your timetable, you will procrastinate; and procrastination is the thief of time. Always do your homework and practice everyday because practice makes perfect. If there is any subject you don't understand, get help from others; even from people who are younger than you, because humility is also a key to success. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. Now, don't forget the four steps to success: having a goal, getting motivated, getting organized and getting help. Remember it just as you remember your name. Adapted from AWAKE! October2012
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