Construct an explanation below that explains why there are different variations of this disorder and why it results in the same basic phenotype. Cite specific evidence without copying any part of the passage directly below and be sure to include information from Figure 1 as well.
The four types of oculocutaneous albinism each result from mutations in single genes: TYR, OCA2, TYRP1, or SLC45A2. Changes in the TYR gene cause type 1; mutations in the OCA2 gene are responsible for type 2; TYRP1 mutations cause type 3; and changes in the SLC45A2 gene result in type 4. These genes are involved in producing the pigment melanin. In the retina, melanin also plays a role in normal vision. Mutations in any of these genes disrupt the ability of cells to make melanin, which reduces pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes.
Alterations in the MC1R gene can change the appearance of people with oculocutaneous albinism type 2. This gene helps regulate melanin production and is responsible for some normal variation in pigmentation. People with genetic changes in both the OCA2 and MC1R genes have many of the usual features of oculocutaneous albinism type 2, including light-colored eyes and vision problems; however, they typically have red hair instead of the usual yellow, blond, or light brown hair seen with this condition.