Who arrested and sent (Rosa Parks) to jail ?
Are they mentionned ? Explain why ?
No, they're not mentioned because it's obvious that the police are the authority that arrests people and sends them to jail
Which words are emphasized in the 3 sentences ?
Explain why ?
Rosa Parks / The Freedom Riders / Alayanna and her friends.
The subjects of the passive voice are emphasized (they are object complement in active voice) as they have suffered injustice.
Conjuguez à la voix passive
À la voix passive, on conjugue "be" au temps demandé puis on ajoute le participe passé du verbe
1- Slavery was abolished by Abraham Lincoln in 1865.
2- Rosa Parks was fined $14 for disrespecting the law.
3- A young teenager Claudine Collet was arrested for the same offence.
4- The Freedom Riders were attacked by angry mob of white supremacists
5- Their bus was firebombed in Alabama
il n'y a que les phrases 1 et 4 qui contiennent un complément d'agent, car elles donnent une information que l'on ne peut pas deviner.
Pour la 2 & 3, il est évident que c'est la police (qui arrêt et met des amendes.
Pour la 5, l'information la plus importante est que leur bus a été incendié, et les auteurs sont cités dans la phrase 4. La phrase 5 est la suite de la 4.
bonne soirée☺☺☺