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121 Employez le verbe donné entre parenthèses au prétérit simple ou au prétérit
en BE+-ING (à l'actif ou au passif).
In November 1960, a tiny six-year-old black girl, Ruby Bridges, (walk) to school. She was the
only African-American child to attend an elementary school in New Orleans in Louisiana. After a
court (order) desegregation, she (guard) by federal marshals. As soon as they (see) her, racist
demonstrators (start) throwing tomatoes at her. They also (shout) abuse at her. As she (walk)
along the sidewalk, she (feel) terrified. Yet she (pretend) not to hear their insults. When she
(reach) school, they still (threaten) her.
Through this painting, Norman Rockwell (want) to denounce the violence in the early years
of school desegregation. He (make) people aware of the ugliness of racial discrimination and
the plight black people (confront) with.

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