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aider moi svp cet tres urgent 15 min svp cet parti traduiser en anglais pas besoin de traduire les nom merci
JOURNALISTE:bonjour aujourdhui je vais vous presenter lopera de sydney.
je vous sugerre cet merveille grace a son architecture et son point de vue sur locean atlantique.On peut y ecouter de remarquable chansons classique de compositeur tres connu, comme :bethoven,mozart et bien dautre encore. ce monument historique est lun des plus visiter du monde.Mr Wallace que pensser vous de ce batiment?
MR WALLACE:ce batiment est tres imposent et tres beau.
JOURNALISTE :Combien de touriste pensse vous viennent pour le visiter?
MR WALLACE: environ 50000 personnes...
MR WALLACE:Cet enorme
JOURNALISTE: OUI cet exact merci de votre interwiew au revoir

Sagot :

Journalist: Hello. Today I will present you the Opera of Sydney. I recommand this marvel because of its special architecture and its view on the Atlantic ocean. There, people can hear classical music from famous composers like Bethoveen, Mozart and others. This historical monument is one of the most visited ones of the world. Mr. Wallace, What do you think about this monument? MR WALLACE: This building is very impressive and beautiful. JOURNALIST: How many people visit this monument each year, according to you? MR WALLACE: Approximately 50 000 people? JOURNALIST: Two millions! MR WALLACE: That is so big! JOURNALIST: Yes, exactly. Now thanks for the interview, goodbye!
REPORTER: Hi and welcome on the national radio station, today I will introduce you the Sydney's opera. I suggest you this amazing place; thanks to its architecture and and views of the ocean atlantique.
We can listen beautiful classical songs of very well known composer, like: Beethoven, Mozart and many others. This historical monument is one of the most visited of the world. Mr Wallace what are you thinking of this place ?
MR WALLACE: This building seems very imposing and very beautiful.
REPORTER: How many tourists do you think come to visit it each day?
MR WALLACE: I don't know… Maybe about 50,000 people …
REPORTER: Wrong answer ! It's about 2 million every day !
MR WALLACE: Oh my god ! What a huge figure !
REPORTER :  This is true Mr Wallace, thank you for that short interview !
goodbye… We may see for an other interview…
MR WALLACE : We will see ! goodbye…