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Bonjour ! J'aimerai de l'aide pour un oral d'anglais que je dois préparer. Je dois parler pendant 7min sur un des 4 sujets que l'ont m'a donné (je devrais piocher ensuite l'un d'entre eux). J'ai préparé le sujet ''School'', mais j'aimerai avoir quelques idées pour pouvoir parler plus longtemps, car là je suis à 2min30 et je ne sais plus trop quoi dire... Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre aide, voici ce que j'ai déjà fait :

Hello, my name is ***** , I'm ****** and I'm in 4C. I live in an apartment in *********** with my parents, with my two brothers and two sisters, and with my cat. I like to draw, read manga and fiction, write some story, surf on the web, and spend my time to play video game on my computer. I don't really like to cook, do the housework, and romantics stories. I'm very smiling and cheerful, and I have a lot of imagination. But I'm very lazy too and I never do what I don't like to do.
So today, I'm going to tell you about school. I'm a good pupil, and I have usually good marks. I don't always do my best, because often I'm tired and bored, so I can't follow the lesson. This is frequent in spanish and mathematics, I hate these subject just because I'm very bad at it. But I really like french, music, chemistry, and english. Because I'm good at it and for chemistry, I like to manipulate the differents liquids and see what happens after mixtures. I don't really remember my first day at school, but I think it was a little easy for me. I have always been in this school, so I did not have trouble with others pupils and teachers, and I think I'm a little friendly. Hereafter, if I can, I would like to be a scriptwriter, a film director, or an actress.. I would also like to be a writer, for second job. But if I can't or if I change my mind, I will be able to be a graphic artist, or a lawyer. When I was little, I wanted to integrate the NASA, because I wanted to walk on the moon and find aliens. But I abandoned, because the studies are too long and the pay is usually low. I think the school help us to be more responsible, punctual, respectful, and discover some things. With school, I could go to England last year and find out how people live there and improve my english. I loved this country and later, I'd live there or in Australia. In previous years, which allowed me to increase my vocabulary was to watch a lot of english movies subtitled, read english books, and when I played video games, I made them in english. The only thing I really hate in english is the irregulary verbs. I find them difficult to learn.

S'il vous plaît, je suis preneuse pour toutes les idées ><' !

Sagot :

tu pourrais ce que tu voudrais faire plus tard ds la vie , tes activité en dehors de l'école , tes amie si tu en a , d'écrire un peu ta maison une pièce de la maison , le caractère de ta famille .. .