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Salut je dois faire un texte sur l'environnement en anglais mais par contre j'ai une consigne, c'est d'utilisé la condition (if+ présent, conséquence/prédiction au futur avec will), le conseil, le present perfect, le but (for+nom ou verbe+ING, to+verbe, so that+ sujet+verbe) et/ou la manière (by+verbe ING) pouvez vous m'aider à modifier mon texte
First, the member states of the European Union take joint decisions on many issues. Today, the environment is one of the EU main concerns.
The EU decisions reflect the overall action plan to preserve our environment. All environmental actions have been set up for over 10 years by all member States through the EU are concerned. Ce decisions they make are over 10 years and undertake all countries at once. The four following major areas and priorities for the EU are reproduced below:
Firstly Road transport and electricity production using greenhouse gas emissions. The latter has raised temperatures and is changing the global climate resulting in severe floods and storms that are the early signs of dark earth future. The EU decided to take the lead to reduce gas emissions and to rethink transport and energy saving policies. For this purpose the EU agreed on placing a greater emphasis on sustainable energies as wind and solar energies.
Within the EU 38 per cent of bid species and 45 per cent of butterfly species are threatened with extension and so are some two thirds of trees that are under stress and forest fires a problem in the South. Deforestation should also be taken into account for soil impoverishment and desertification. We must further pay more attention to the seas and forests, as well as to preserve nature, rivers, forest, plant and animal life.
Within the EU 38 per cent of bid species and 45 per cent of butterfly species are threatened with extension and so are some two thirds of trees that are under stress and forest fires a problem in the South. Deforestation should also be taken into account for soil impoverishment and desertification. We must further pay more attention to the seas and forests, as well as to preserve nature, rivers, plant and animal life. Otherwise damage caused could affect ecosystem and serious health problems. Therefore all these dangers and risks to the balance of our good health and ecosystems can be reduced if we do not become aware that we are responsible to preserve its natural resources and find new ways of sustainable energies.
Now we understand that environmental pollution raises a number of health problems, from allergies to infertility due to cancer, etc. We also face sound growth that aggravate stress can cause insomnia, etc . Health is a concern and means physical as well as moral welfare. The goal is aiming at getting to environmental quality to avoid the levels of synthetic pollutants (noise, chemical substances such as pesticides, etc.) pose risks to human health
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