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jai mon oral d'anglais demain pour le bac ; est ce que quelqu'un peu me le corriger? jai besoin d'aide je vous en supplie, c'est de l'anglais l'itteraire.
Voici ce que j'ai écrit.

In classroom we have study, « the writer in his time », now I’m going to speak about the segregation.
first, when we speak about the segregation, we think about, discrimination , differences.
They are many criterias such as the weight, the religion, the sexual orientation, the color of the skin and apartheid.
I choose to present 3 documents.
Each texts speak about the segregation.
The first, « The help » is a novel by K.S
my second document is an extract of the speech by MLK: I have a dream
and the last document is « NEW kids in the neighbor hood » by N.R

pbl: We can wonder if segregation was abolished.

Let’s focus on black wemen who are discriminated against.

In the 1960’s in the rich white family we always found black women. They work very hard to a little wage.
Moreover in 1962, the racial segregation still resist principally in the Mississipi.
For example, in the book « the help », black women raides white childs.
They are easy targets to exploitation. Moreover relation between domestics and employers are difficults.
In this book , we can see « the sad life of this women ».
The segregation still exist in this family.
Althought this women are black , they are humans.
So we can see a discrimination at the work place, because of the color of the skin.
The writer give us a beautiful story inspired by his experience and we can see the courage and the dignity of black women.

Now, let’s speak about the peace and the civils rights.

In 1865, in the U.S, the slavery was abolished by Abraham L.
Black people had the citizenship and the right to vote but the segregation still exist.
For example in the publics transports.
To defend the segregation, MLK said his famous speech in 1963, in august , 28: I have a dream in Washington in front of 250 000 people.
MLK was a black Protestant pastor and he wanted stop the racism.
For that, in his speech he uses lyrics to the negro spirituals, which is a music with religion lyrics and messages from the bible.
This speech had an impact in the story of the humanity.
Unfortunately, 50 years later, he died, so Barack Obama honor him in front of the Lincold memorial.

Also, we can see the segregation at different level. In the 1960’s, in U.S there was the « white flight ». White population leave town center for live in residential district.
Now I’m going to speak about « new kids in the neighbourhood » by N.M.
On this poster, we can see two family: a black family and a white family in front of a van.
The black family moved in this residential district.
At this moment, it’s the white flight. Consequently, the white child are surprised. Moreover we can see the same family at the right and the left of the poster.
Child have the same hobbies, which is the baseball and this two little girls wear braids.
Norman.R, show us the racial integration in the residential district. Probably, child want to play together because they share the same affinities.
They want to fight the prejudices and show.
They are the same despite the color of the skin.

To conclude, the segregation still exist against today but less than before.
Much progress has been done, but some problems remain.
Many people fight to defend civils rights and to stop the segregation.
The segregation is abolished but not totally.
According to me, I’m totally agree with MLK, I have many black friends and the color of the skin in 2015 is not a longer problem.
The more I see the evolution of the humanity, the more impressed I am.

Sagot :


- alors déjà ce serait bien de conjuguer le premier verbe de ton oral, on dit "we studied".
- à moins que tu parles d'une ségrégation spécifique que tu aurais dû préciser, dis juste "segregation" et non "the segragation".
- pour les critères, évite le "the" à chaque fois, dis "such as weight, religion..." Et je je comprend pas trop que fait "and apartheid" dans cette énumération...
- ensuite, il faut mettre "I chose" prononcé /tchose/ et non "choose".
- pareil, pas de "the" pour "segragation".
- "the speech by MLK" ne se dit pas, essaye plutôt "is an extract (pas sûr que "extract" soit un mot mais vérifie) from MLK's speech: I have a dream".
- ta problématique est de la forme "on se demande si...", il faut une question, non? Essaye "Has segregation been abolished?"
- ta phrase "Let's focus..." n'est pas claire et he b'ai rien compris là.
- alors là, essaye de te relire parce que le bac c'est demain... Met "in rich withe familiES, there always were black women", c'est très bien comme ça, pas de "we".
- they "worked", conjugue tes verbes!
- "for a little wage", pas "to".
- "raised (white childs)" pas "raides".
- "to exploite", il faut un verbe et non un nom.
- es-tu sûr que "moreover" se dit? Vérifie.
- là essaye d'accorder quand même s'il-te-plaît. C'est pas "relation" mais "relations" ou encore mieux "relationships".
- "were difficult", il faut mettre au passé.
- "sad life of THESE women" à moins que le livre ne parle que d'une seule femme et il faudrait alors le dire.

Je n'ai pas le temps de finir, mais pour la suite, en gros :
- pas de "the" la plupart du temps nottament pour "segregation"
- oublie pas de conjuguer les verbes au passé car ils sont souvent à l'infinitif ou au présent.
- oublie pas d'accorder les noms et les adjectifs.

Si t'as des doutes autre part, demande.

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