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III. Answers the following questions.

1. What do Californians dread ?
2. How can you explain the importance of traffic jams in Los Angeles ?
3. Explain what the "smog"is.
4. Why dors the name "Los Angeles" suggest an important Hispano-Mexican immigration ?
5. Who used to live in L.A in the 17th century ?

IV. Traduire.
1. On a vu le président Clinton a Los Angeles la semaine dernière.
2. On te montrera la réserve indienne.
3. On a rénové (=renovate) la vieille ville.
4. On lui avait prêté un guide (=guide-book) de la ville.
5. On a enseigné l'anglais aux enfants des immigrants Mexicains.

S'il vous plait, pas de traducteur :)

Sagot :

1- President Clinton was seen in Los Angeles last week
2- you will be shown the reservation
3- The old town was renovated
4- He was lent a city's guide-book
5- English was taught to the Mexican migrants

1- Californians' greatest dreads are erthquakes due to the San Andreas crack.
2- Los Angeles is a huge city which doesn't stop growing; you can't walk there or police is arrested you ! Boulevards are sttetching over hundred miles, there are no buses or whatever, so everyone needs at least a car, that's why highways and freeways are always full up
3- Smog is a word coming from two words ; smoke and fog
4- Los Angeles is a spanish word meaning the City of Angels; many Hispano-Mexicans are trying to cross the boarder to find a job.
5- The Aztecs (à vérifier l'orthographe anglaise where living in what is called now Mexico. Then the Spanish discovered this land, extermined them and called this place The New Spain and Mexico the town of Teotihuaclan (à vérifier l'orthographe). Spanish have been living there until English, French and Canadians came ther on the XIII century (dates approximatives, mais c'étaient bien les Espagnols après l'extermination des Aztèques qui ont pris le pouvoir) Peut-être que les Aztèques ne vivaient pas aussi haut mais je ne sais plus comment on dit "amérindiens"

Voilà, je ne suis pas si sûr pour la V, mais je crois bien que les Espagnols étaient remontés plus haut que la "baja california", la pointe qui prolonge la californie d'où le non de "Los Angeles"

j'espère que ça t'ira