journalist : Hello Mr MANAUDOU it's a real pleasure to meet you today!
Let me ask you few questions about your incredible last performance.
Mr Manaudou : Of course; go ahead!!
J : Last year in august 2014, you gathered four gold medal in Berlin at the European Championships. And this summer in the 50 free you set a new championship record. How you succeed? Tell us your recipe for such records?
M: Well, each day I'm training : seven days a week and ten hours sometimes more! As a professionnal, the mental is the key of my success
I always pushing the limits.
J : You are known now as one of the best sprinter of the world. How do you handle that? ( comment tu gères ça? comment tu le vie?)
M : I'm always Florent Manaudou a simple man even if when I'm out people ask me autographs. Hard to do my shopping or go for a walk like normal people
But I love my fans
J : If you have an advice for the new generation what would it be?
M: Work hard, never give up! The way is long but little by little you can succeed
Believe in you ! And parents support your children!!
J : Thank you so much Florent for this great moment, it was a pleasure
M : Pleasure is shared!