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C'est des questions sur ce texte:

When Judith came back home, the church bell struck twelve. She sat down and turned on the television. While she was watching a horror film the church bell struck twelve again. While she was having a good time in her cosy house, it was pouring outside.
When the film was over, she decided to go to bed... and the church bell struck twelve again. And it did so every quarter of an hour. Judith thought: "If I were on a desert island, I would not hear that crazy bell any more". And she began to pack up...

1)Répondez aux questions suivantes.

1. What happened when Judith came back home?
2.What did she do then?
3.Was she having a good time watching television?
4.What was the weather like that night?
5.Finally what did she decide to do?

Sagot :

1. When Judith came back home, the church bell struck twelve. 

2. Then, she watched an horror movie. 

3. Yes, because she was on her cosy house, comfortable. 

4. The weather was very bad, it's was pouring out. It was raining cat and dog. (expression qui veut dit qu'il pleuvait à verse.) 

5. She went to bed, but when she heard, for an other time the church bell, she decided to move on a desert island and she packed up. (packed up = emballer. Soit, faire ses valises ! ;) ) 

1) When Judith came back hom3, the church bell struck twelve
2) Then, she sat down and turned in the the television
3) Yes she was
4)It was pouring outside
5)She packed her stuff ( je suis pas sure) c est coi ca , soit : she decided to go to bed