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Un dialogue entre 2 journalistes et un créateur d'un réseau social ex: snapchat lui dire ce qu'on aime et ce qu'on aime pas et il doit se défendre

Sagot :

Journalist 1: -Hello! Welcome to NRJ! Today we will discuss about a new social network what is very mainstream, I am with Daniel Smith and the journalist Fred Callen, how are you? 
J2: - Hi! I'm fine thank you. Yes! Today the subject will be Snapchat!
SNAP DIRECTOR: -Thank you to introduce me! Yes I am the creator of Snapchat!
J1:-Explain me what is this new way to communicate!
SD: -It's a social network where you can send pictures during only 10 seconds! 
J1: So, Fred, what do you think about it?
J2: Actually, I think it's quiet funny to send pictures during 10 seconds, but if some
people screenshot a picture compromising it may be delicate...
J:1 Mhm, I think if you don't want to someone have a picture compromising of you, youdon't send it!
J2: yes but if we can't sens this kind of picture, why this social network was create?

Voila... J'ai pas le temps pour le finir donc je te laisses avancer! J'espère que j'ai pu t'aider un petit peu quand même...