
Obtenez des conseils d'experts et des connaissances communautaires sur FRstudy.me. Notre communauté fournit des réponses précises et rapides pour vous aider à comprendre et à résoudre n'importe quel problème.

bonjour j'ai un devoir maison d'anglais seulement je suis très nul dans cette matière et je n'y comprend RIEN!!! j'ai 2 de moyenne et ce DM pourrait m'aider a augmenter un peu j’espère que vous m’aiderez merci beaucoup à l'avance et je vous souhaite de très bonnes vacances:

Topic: relate a personal experience which changed your vision of adults and made you achieve maturity (160 words)
a- story :relate what happened
b- feelings : express how you felt and why
c-morality : explain what knowledge you gained
d- personal evolution : explain how you could evolve thanks to this event

consignes :
1- encadrer 12 mots clés de lexique recherché ( effort d'enrichissement du vocabulaire grâce a l' utilisation d 'un dictionnaire)
2-eviter l 'emploi de mots vague et "pauvre"( ex: thing, important, problem,to have , to be...)
3-sautez des lignes disposez les idees organisées en paragraphe separés
4-suprimez lesrépetitions

Sagot :

One Saturday afternoon  I  went  to see a movie at the cinema with   my best friend  and her younger sister . There were already many people waiting outside   and especially a rather noisy  group of   five or six boys . They were speaking and laughing loudly  but  nobody paid any attention to them. In the queue there was also a disabled person in a wheelchair. The boys wanted to pass him  in the queue . None of the adults who were there said anything , not even when the disabled person protested and some of  the boys began to make fun of him and to  jerk his wheelchair. There were many adults around us but nobody reacted ; they just pretented not to see  I was  angry, shocked by such indifference and feeling   helpless. What could I do ; my friend and I were only fourteen, the little girl with us only nine. They would certainly attack us too . Finally we went inside , as soon as we entered  I  looked at a security guard , he saw I was angry and  understood why . So he let  the disabled person have the priority while giving  a stern warning to the troublemakers who calmed down  ; maybe  frightened  of being  banned next time or ashamed by their behaviour .