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Bonjour svp qui pourrait maider pour une devoir d'anglais et me corriger toute les fautes etc merci d'avance :
I choose a second poster because in my mind we all have a law rich or poor have access in education . This is allowing us have a dream job , the happy life and have a success . This is by the way that we watch this poster wjo display arrows who go all in the same direction it means than the keys of success all are in same ride so if we have access in education we can also go allong the road to arrive in success . Today in the world there's no enough association who fight against literacy or people does not make that reason that can provoke compaign literate some dream they always hold a book , a pencil and go in school ,sadly this is always a women which they most suffer a literate said " a person who knows how to write and read is a free person " so fight against literacy in the world at giving they donation.

Sagot :

This is allowing us to have a dream job .
By the way this is
Law signifie loi or ce que tu veux dire c'est Low dans le sens de bas.
Tu as mis é fois have,enlève le second.
La 3e  ligne l'orthographe de WHO et display avec un S à la fin.
6e  ligne au lieu de arrive mets GET
7e ligne c'est WHICH ET as Who
9e  ligne Women who
la derniers  ligne non pas Against mais FOR.
Reprends ton texte et fais des phrases plus courtes .
J'espère t'avoir aidée.
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