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Je n'arrive pas a Traduire une phrase !
Je dois présenter un club que je vais faire en Anglais j'ai réussi a tout traduire sauf une phrase pouvez vous me la traduire s'il vous plais et me corrigez si vous voyer une fautes dans le texte déjà traduit s'il vous plais sa m'aiderais beaucoup.
Merci d'avance !

Voila le texte:

Hello! I prepare a club of soccer the team will name it "OFSC" (Olympic Football Sport Club)!
Would improve you your skill in sports what will help you has credit note of better note in Sport
vous vous amuserais en vous dépensant, sa vous aideras a travailler en équipe et vous jouerais au Foot bien sur ! 
He will have three Match during the year, one there for every quarter. The club is open to 3 pm in 5 pm.
I'm present the Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Come motivated and ready to has help the others in case of difficulty!
Activity of the club will take place on the stadium of the middle school
Meeting is over there has 2:30 pm for the presentations
I count on you!

Sagot :

you have fun spending you, it will help you to work in a team and you would play well at Foot. Commecer a corriger. " we would improve your skill in sport, it will give you credit in sport and help you have a better grade. You will spend time in having fun,It wil help you work in a team and teach you how to play football. You will do three matchs during the year, The club will be opening by 3-5pm. I would be here tusdays and thursdays. Come motivated and help others in case they need help,or have difficult!. Activity of club will take place at the middle school stadium.The Meeting at the stadium is 2:30 pm for the presentations. We are counting on you." Beacoup des error j'ai pas tellement compris mais je fais le mieux que je pouvais