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Je dois écrire une histoire qui comporte "the immigration in the US" peu importe pa période et le pays. Alors voici mon travail, je l'ai fait sous forme de journal intime; est ce que quelqu'un pourrait me corriger s'il vous plait??

Monday August, 24th 2015
Dear diary,
Today is an important day for me, I just arrived at New Jersey. I had never flown before, I had never visited other countries than Moldova, my homeland. I’m starting a new life. I hope everything will go well , next week I'm going to university. This makes me a little scared , I am a stranger here, I do not know anyone , and I do not master English very well. This Wednesday my future roommate will came. They told me she comes from France. Until his arrival I would have to finish decorating my little bedroom and buy some school stuffs.

Wednesday August 27th 2015
Dear Diary,
I have not written to you last few days because I focused myself on decoration but especially on my English. I gave myself the goal to learn 20 daily vocabulary.
This morning my roommate Angela arrived, she seems to be a nice girl , I'm glad, I'll be less alone here.

Thursday, August, 28th 2015

Dear Diary,
There is war in Moldova, people fight against politicians, the set fire to the Parliament, there are a lot of people killed by police.. When I saw it on TV , I immediately called my parents.. I can’t stop crying, I’m afraid for them.. There is so much corruption and lies, that's why my parents gave everything they had for I could come and study here. They always told me « Learn my child,  that is for your own good.. » It’s really sad nowadays everyone pays to have what he wants, whether in politics in hospitals or to school. Students, or rather their parents pay teachers, the State, to have good marks.Even excellent students are forced to pay , if not, they change their grades.. I miss my parents, I don’t want them to die now ! I want them to see me succeed in life .. This would be the reward for all the efforts they have made ​​for me, and God knows they’ve done a lot for me.
It is very late , I have sore eyes , headaches .. I should go to bed.

Monday September 3th 2015

Dear Diary,
Oh, I really was’t good Thursday!
Things are better in Moldova. My parents are good too, I miss them so much already..
Today was my first day at New Jersey City University, everything is so new for me. I already made 3 friends, Samantha,John and Judith, they are cool guys. Contrary to what I thought, I was received very well, English are really open-minded.
The year starts well !

merci d'avance :)

Sagot :

journal d'Anne Frank

aujourd'hui c'est un jour important pour moi, je viens d'arriver au new jersey. J'avais jamais visiter un autre pays de ma ville.j'ai commencer une nouvelle vie. J'espère que tout ira bien la semaine prochaine.je vais a l'université la semaine prochaine.ca me fait un peu peur ,car je suis nouvelle ici, et je connaît personnes.je ne suis pas la meilleur en anglais. Ce mercredi, ma future colocative va s'en venir. Ils ont dit elle vient de France. Jusqu'à son arriver, je dois terminer la décoration de ma petite chambre et acheter quelques denrées scolaire
