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Bonjour svp c'est urgent quelqu'un peut faire un titre pour chaque paragraphe en anglais
Dear Friend,

Hello from the past! If you are reading this letter, you know that it was included in a time capsule that was buried under a slab of sidewalk in City Park. The time capsule is part of a project that is being done for Mrs. Rosenblum's 9th grade history class at Washington High School. It is supposed to be opened 100 years in the future, so if you are reading this, it should be the year 2113, and I am probably dead. That's all right, though. Right now, I'm very much alive and am a happy 15 year-old girl named Alison Smart.

My day-to-day life is pretty ordinary. I get up every weekday and ride the bus to school. Next year, I hope to get my driver's license so that I can drive to school instead. Most cars now are still powered by gasoline, but hybrid and electric cars are starting to become more popular. In the future, I imagine that if you are still using cars, they all run on alternative fuel. Gas costs about $3.60 per gallon, which is too much, so I will also probably need to get a part-time job. The economy is getting a little better now, so I'm hoping that work will be available next year when I turn 16.

My friends like Justin Beiber and Lady Gaga, who are both popular musicians at the moment. I prefer older music, though, and like to listen to my dad's classic rock CDs. CDs are pretty old-fashioned now. Almost all music is electronic, and most people listen to music on a portable mp3 player. My favorite TV shows this year are Modern Family and The Walking Dead. Most of the best entertainment is on the Internet. My friends and I spend a lot of time watching silly cat videos on YouTube and posting updates on Twitter.

I think that the world is a better place now than it was 20 years ago, and I hope it will be even better in 100 years. Gay people have more rights than they used to, and I think someday soon they will be able to get married. Soon everyone will have universal health care, too. There's a lot of terrorism in the world and as a result, the government controls a lot of things, which my dad complains about, but we're not fighting in Iraq anymore and I hope that someday soon we won't be fighting anywhere.

In 100 years, I hope that the environment is cleaner and that there is no more global hunger, disease, or poverty. I don't know if those are realistic things to hope for, but a century seems like a pretty long time. Maybe by the time you read this, human beings will have figured the answers out a little better than they have today.

I hope you've enjoyed my letter, which was fun to write to you. Have a wonderful future!


Alison Jane Smart