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Racontez une sortie scolaire en utilisant les verbes proposes: meet, leave, drive, stop, visit, have lunch, go for a walk, enjoy, sing.. SVP C'EST TRÈS URGENT

Sagot :

At eight o'clock the bus driver come to take the teacher, my class and I to drove us to Paris. He stopped in front of the Tour Eiffel which we have visit. We sang the Marseillaise, it was really fun and then I met a Chinese person who asked me to take him in photo. After that we had lunch at the Champs de Mars and we went for a walk next to the Seine. And finally we come back to school. It was really nice and I really enjoyed it.

voilà j'espère ne pas avoir fais de fautes !
bonjour !
Yesterday, we went to visit the 'Château de Versailles" (the"Castle of Versailles") with my class. We left the college at 7.30 am. We weren't tired and quite excited . We sang all the way in the bus.After having visited the castle, we stopped in a place reserved for pic-nics and had lunch. Then we went for a walk in the Gardens of Versailles . I met a girl who had the same school day out as us. We used to be friends before her parents moved in another place. I enjoyed very much this day out and the fact that I met this girl.She gave me her new adress.
Then we left around 5 p.m and we slept on the bus all the way back.

J'espère que cela ira

bonne fin de journée et bonne année 2016

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