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Bonjour à tousses j'ai un DM d'anglais à rendre dans 1 semaine à la rentrée et il est coefficient 4 et je n'y arrive pas du tout svp aidez moi je vous en supplie!!!

Rédiger une rédaction imaginaire ( 100 à 150 mots ) répondant à la question suivante: WHAT DID YOU DO FOR CHRISTMAS BREAK?
Dire donc ce que vous avez fait pendant vos vacances de noël.

a) la plupart des verbes seront bien entendu au prétérit. Il faut des verbes régulier mais aussi irréguliers.

b) détaillée dans la mesure du possible vos expérience ( ce que vous ressentiez, pourquoi ect... )

c) employer des mots de liaison à fin de passer d'une phrase à l'autre d'une manière cohérente.

Les points B et C sont les points qui permettent d'apporter plus de fluidité dans votre rédaction au lieu de donner une succession d'événements


Sagot :

During my Christmas break I had the opportunity to spend some precious time with my whole family including my grandparents. They especially come from Italia to see us. (tu peux mettre un autre pays )
I really enjoyed this great moment. In fact, my mother bought an artificial christmas tree and with the help of my little sister they  decorated  it with balls and fairy lights. This tree was enlightening our living room and my grand-mother was gazzling at it every day.
In fact, I saved up all this year to buy some special presents for my family. It was a real pleasure to give them my own gifts on christmas Eve ; they were all amazed and surprised! They didn't expect that!!!
Their eyes were full of emotion and my mum and my grand-mother had a tear.
That was the most intance moment of my whole life. I offered a warm scarf to my grand-mother, a perfume for my mother, two ties for my father and grand-father and for my little sister a new pair of sneakers. 
I particulary enjoyed this warm moment full of love and showing how we love each other. 
Even if my grand-parents are living far away from us the few days we shared together are more intense than if they were living closer.
And believe me or not, I'm deeply convinced that Christmas time brings with it a special time full of tenderness and it allow member of family to be more tightened for sure!  By the way, I wish you a happy New Year to you and all your family!!!