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Bonjours j'ai mon oral d'anglais à la rentré et j'ai un thématique " lieux et forme de pouvoir " dont je n'ai rien étudié en classe cette année. j'aimerai bien qu'on me le corrige mais aussi qu'on me dise si c'est trop long ou pas trop bien. Merci

First of all, I would like to give a definition of '' Places and forms of power”.In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it.
I would like to speak with you about the topic of powers and counter-powers. My problematic is “
What kind of power do they exist in the world and which ones control us?“ It's interesting to see how power can be contradicted by unofficial power.

First I'm going to talk about five power, there are some which are more influential than others.
To begin, The first known power is the politic power. They have a big influence because it's our politics who elaborate our laws. If we are living in society we must respect laws. There are different systems Politics. For example, France is a republic, which implies the people have the power, it's a democracy. While , for example in North Korea, which is a Dictatorship, it's a man who have the full power. The people is just the subject and he is controlled by strict laws. This allows me to chain on the second power, the Economic Power which is the power of big firms. In north Korea, a lot of big firms are banished because they influence the population. In this country, Korean haven't access to social network, if they don't respect this they go to jail. As we can see firms can influence the population with their products. There is a third power, the religion power. Actually he is very important and influential. As we can see terrorist can sacrifice themselves to do a “ holy war “. In some countries religion is more influential than the laws.
The fourth power is interesting because it's a power that impact us in daily life. Media, social media, the cinema or the press, are here to inform us or distract us. We don't realize it but they are strong power, look at advertisements, big firms use this fourth power to affect us. Similarly the government do advertisement to protect us, like advertising to stop smoking.
To finish with the powers, the fifth is the digital era. There is a famous entrepreneur who allowed the emergence of this new power. It's steve Jobs, for many people steve jos is said to have been a visionnary. He was both an iconic entrepreneur and a pioneer who was always one step ahead of everyone in his field. Google is also an actif actor of this era. The digital era emerging in 70's and actually a lot of people are using this technology.

Finally I would like to speak with you about counter-powers. There are a lot of counter-power but I will mention the only most important. Firstly there is a group of hackers who are called Anonymous, they use their knowledge in computing to destabilize some power in place. For example, In 2011 they hacked a website used by khadafi , a dictatore of libya. Because he killed his people and use his website to make propaganda.
The second influantial counter-power is greenpeace, who realized every years a lot of demonstration against firms and states which don't respect environment. I saw a photo where greenpeace activists fly a “STOP” Greenpeace activists fly a “STOP” banner between two inflatable boats in front of the western geophysical seismic ship, Saber Tooth. The activists temporarily halted the seismic testing operations of the Saber Tooth.

To conclude, power can be contradicted by counter power. When we are living in society we must accept we aren't totally free, even if we don't realize.That's why people create movement against the powers in position.

Sagot :

Some changes for your introduction :

I'm going to talk about the notion "Places and forms of power. To beging with,
  I would like to give a definition of '' Places and forms of power”.In politics and social science, power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it.
So, I'm going to speak about the topic of powers and counter-powers which leads us to the following problematic/ question "
What kind of power do they exist in the world and which ones control us?“ It's interesting to see how power can be contradicted by unofficial power.

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