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Bonjours, j'ai un exposé oral d'anglais et j'aimerais savoir si mon texte est correct. Merci si vous me répondez.
Minnesota is a state of the northern United States since May 11, 1858 with five thousand four hundred and fifty seven million of habitants. The governor is Mark Daylon. The capital of Minnesota is Saint Paul. The official bird is the plongeon huard and the official fish is the walleye. Minnesota has a warm and rainy humid climate in summer and very cold in winter, the average annual temperature is 10 °celsius in Minnesota. The most popular landmarks are the Aerial Lift Bridge, Enger Park and Tower and Minnesota's North Shore Scenic Drive. There are seventy parks in Minnesota, Voyageurs National Park or Fort Snelling State Park are the most visited. There are 8 representatives at the house of representatives of Washington. Minnesota is known for its agricultural products such as corn, soybeans, cattle, ect
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