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Bonsoir à tous vous pouvez m'aider svp?

1) Mettez au discours indirect

"Give it black To hier!" ( he told Peter)
"l'll go To my dentist's."(he said)
"What are you doing here? "(She asked them)
"Will he be home tomorrow?"(they wondered)
"l like vegetables."(he told her)

2) Tu entends une dispute entre Stephen et Mélissa.
Rapporte leur conversation.

-Do you have love me? - He asked her if she loves him.
- l don't know. - she answered that she didn't know.

A) Stephen : who was this Guy?
B) Mélissa : he was just a friend of mine!
C) Stephen :oh,yes very well,and do you usually kiss
Your"friends" on the mouth?
D) Mélissa :what are you talking about?
E) Stephen : well l saw you,everyone saw you!
F) Mélissa : why do you invent stories like this? Do you want To break up?

Sagot :

bonjour (en espérant que ce ne soit pas trop tard)

He told Peter to give it back to her
He said (that) he'll go to his dentist    (that) pas obligatoire)
She asked what they were doing here
They wondered if he will be home tomorrow
He told her (that) he liked vegetables

He asked her if she loves him
She answered she didn't know

je suppose que c'est l'exemple

a) He asked her who was this guy ?
b) Melissa answered he was just a friend
c) Stephen said ironically if she was always kissing her "friends" on the mouth
d) Melissa asked him what he was talking about
e) Stephen told her that he saw her and everyone saw her too.
f) Mellissa asked him why he was inventing such stories and if he wanted to break up.

j'espère que c'est pour cet aprèm  :)