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Bonjour, je suis en 1ere Es et je passe un oral d'angalis cette semaine sur la notion "idea of progress". Serait-il possible de le corriger ? Merci d'avance.

I’m going to present you the notion “Idea of progress”. First, progress is a movement to an improved or more developed state, or to a forward position, and means an evolution in technologies, science, and social life. Everyone aspires to progress and especially countries. Progress is the sign of a good and equal quality of life. However, many countries can't escape from their traditions. We studied the notion “Idea of progress” threw the example of a very contrasted developing country: India. Why is India a country of contradictions and can it become a superpower without giving up its traditions? To answer this question, we will first study the economic situation and living conditions of the inhabitants. And then, we’ll see the contrasts between traditions and evolutions.

First of all, India is a burgeoning economy. Its key sectors, as textile, chemistry, technology, or the movie industry; allow it a rapid economic development. India, with its 1,33 billion inhabitants is also the second most populated country in the world. But this overpopulation has consequences and particularly en intense poverty. For example, 35% of the population live with less than 1 US dollar a day. India is also touched by a worrying access to sanitation; malnourishment, illiteracy, child labour, and a really developed shadow economy… Finally 15% of the inhabitants live in a slum, like Dharavi, the biggest slum in Asia. Even if poverty doesn’t touches all the population, the gap between rich and poor is so huge that the chances of success are often already predicted at birth…
Fortunately, exceptional success stories are becoming more and more frequent. Some determined Indians manage to study even in the poorest conditions. Others, like Babar Ali, decided to get involved to help other children to have access to education. At 16 years old, this young boy became one of the youngest headmasters in the world. Thanks to people like him, the literacy rate increased this lasts years. According to Gandhi, “If we want to reach real peace in this world, we should start educating children”. Thanks to science and sanitary progresses, infant mortality also declined and life expectancy increased to 66 years.

But old traditions persist and some of them are obstacle in the road of progress. To begin, the caste system controls all the Indian society, dividing it into more or less noble groups that almost cannot interact between them. Even if this system is supposed to be illegal since 1950, traditions are sometimes stronger than the laws. Other laws aiming at social progress have also been established concerning dowry system or selective abortion, but they are all quite inefficient. It’s a really worrying disease. A modern society can’t develop itself with archaic traditions and inequalities against women such as forced marriages, female infanticide and domestic violence.
So, following Gandhi’s famous quote “be the change you wish to see in the world” emblematic figures decided to get involved by themselves to solve the problems. Rekha Kalindi, for example fought against her hole family not to get married at 12 and continues her studies. Her brave attitude became an example on her village, and was welcomed by Pratibha Patil, ex Indian president. Organizations fighting for women’s rights also appeared, like the Gulabi Gang, led y Sampat Pal Devhi, or Anti-dowry cell

To conclude, we can say that India is a really contrasted country, between traditions and poverty; and evolutions and a developing economy. India owes many of its progresses t emblematic figures that choose to fight for their right and limit inequalities. So in my view, India couldn’t evolve without them and won’t become a superpower if it doesn’t seriously give up its traditions.

Sagot :

bonjour , alors moi j'ai juste vu :
un "t" je pense que ta du faire une erreur de frappe (dernier paragraphe)
C' est très bien!!