I'm so tired of my lazy brother playing video games in his room while I do all the chores around the house. I have to do the laundry, walk the dog, feed the dog, wash the dishes after dinner and sometimes even make dinner, take out the trash, hoover in every room (including my brother's) and go grocery shopping. It's so annoying. I feel like a mother, although I'm still young to be one. He always gets away with not helping. My parents don't even care if he stays in bed all day and does nothing. I don't have time to do my homework today! I can't believe that my parents are as lazy as my brother. Right now I'm washing the dishes and they're watching the TV. Ugh! Sometimes I want to watch the TV too. Sometimes, I even want to do my homework. I miss being little, I could play all day and I didn't have to do homework even though I just said that I miss doing my homework. Hopefully, my parents will realise that I'm still a child and that I need time for myself just like them! Goodnight!