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J'ai besoin d'aide car pour demain je dois rendre un travail en anglais dont le but est de faire un dialogue entre, un expert des réseaux sociaux ou alors un expert de tout ce qui concerne internet et deux élèves. Ces derniers poseront des question à l'expert sur tout ce qu'il veulent (concernant internet).
Il doit faire minimum 250 mots
SVP aidez moi je dois le rendre pour demain !!!!
Un grand merci a ceux qui me repondront au plus vite

Sagot :

J'espère la suspension et des remerciements.As for the continuous dialogue between consumers and marks(brands) on the social networks, he(it) took a blow of even bigger bamboo on the head. The rate of commitment, worth knowing(namely) number of clicking people, likant, participant or commenting on the comments of a mark(brand) brought back(reported) to the total number of fans of the mark(brand), is ridiculously low. A study of Forrester Research " Top 50 Brands Social WebTrack on 2014 " in the USA studied the comments of these top 50 marks(brands) and found that the rate of commitment on Facebook was 0,073 %, rate which rose to 0,213 % in 2015 because, according to Forrester, more marks(brands) paid to affect(touch) a wider portion of their fans. All the social résaux is treated similarly (rates widely lower than 1 %), except for in 2,26 %, in sharp drop however by report(relationship)