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I'm going to talk about the theme of myths and heroes. I'll firstly begin with a brief definition of those two words: myth, and hero.

 A myth is a well known story usually transmitted through oral tradition,  which explains or gives values to the unknown. A myth basically talks about a certain custom, practice of a human society (for example, a religiouse rite) or even a natural process (such as the equinox). These stories can involve all sorts of entities (gods, demons, normal humans,...). But then it can also talk about certain characters: gods, goddesses, men, women, and especially, heroes! 
A hero   has several definitions. He can be a person admired for his courageouse acts or nobility. He can be someone with special achivements (decorations, or being a karate teacher; everything out of the common), with special abilities (superpowers, immortal,...) or someone with personal qualities, such as a leader, or  an ideal model, that usualy is a main character (of course it can also be a banal human as main character).
Now that we know what  myth and hero mean, we might want to understand how the concept of myths and heroes changes our life! 

I/Positive aspect :
We are going to start by talking about myths and heroes that have had cultural influence. Today I will talk about Steve Job. He was born in 1955 and died in 2011. Throughout his lifetime, he became a real hero at the point of even becoming a myth. He reinvented the phone and so litterally changed the world! Steve Jobs had an extraordinary life story because he was a real genius. Moreover, his life started very saddly because he left from school. He fought for the company he was working for and was fired. On top of that, he had very serious health problems. But the truth is that Steve Jobs was an inventor, he improved and upgraded the technology of computers and their languages. Steve Jobs is considered as a hero because he had to overwork to be on the top. But because he was a career-driven person and was strong-willed, he had everything  to succed. Today he remains a model, an example of success.
There are other persons who had a political influence. For example, Bill Gate's foundation, which helps many countries from poverty by giving a very big budget, he wants to give 95 percent of his  fortune to charities, probably as a legacy when he dies. 
II/ Negative aspect :
 Furthermore,We are also with us, we can not manage on your site. An illustrious man; Famous for his exploits and actions, who performed the heroic actions. << C'est quoi de galimatias ? C'est censé signifier quelque chose ? A hero can be a main character in a film, story or poem. A hero has many human qualities, he is generous, loyal, just, determined, kind, courageous, A hero can also be an illustrated person who is worshiped and idealized. he upgraded and improved computers and language technology, notice, a police enhancement of the parties of a hero, Steve Jobs did not simply do 'Apple a commercial success, and technological revolutions that have products to infuse means of life irreversibly.  The iPod has not just changed the way to listen to music. It has changed the entire music industry," The iPhone, for example, has not radically changed people, a real Hero is like a fireman, a policeman, a soldier, who risk their lives for other people. For example, in 09/11, the Twin Towers were destroyed by two aircraft hijacked by terrorists. Every fireman, soldier, policeman and all the others, who live up to horrible disinterest. Thanks to their courage, many people survived the disaster.


To conclude, we can say that myths and heroes have changed our lives. Real or not real, they have a capacity to change the mind of many people, to help them and to change the course of their story. They do courageous things; they fight for something or they want to serve others. They represent a role model and an ideal man. And nobody can blame their ; behaviour they changed history, and our story.

Sagot :

Ce serait bien que tu poses une véritable problématique, qui te permettrais donc d'y répondre tout au long de tes parties et n'oublie pas d’insérer des transitions entre chaque parties et pas que des connecteurs logique. Sinon dans un ensemble globale c'est cohérent c'est bien !

Par contre tu pourrais développer le fait qu'il existe plusieurs types de héros, ce serait également bien que tu trouves d'autres formulation pour éviter de toujours répeter "a hero" et je n'ai pas compris "Furthermore,We are also with us, we can not manage on your site. An illustrious man; Famous for his exploits and actions, who performed the heroic actions."
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