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Bonjour vous pouvez m’aider svp. Merci

Bonjour Vous Pouvez Maider Svp Merci class=
Bonjour Vous Pouvez Maider Svp Merci class=

Sagot :


C) comme slogan, je te propose "Eat to live , don't live to eat"
     Pour l'illustrer tu dessines ou trouves sous le titre "healthy food" ou "Junk           food', 2 images à l'opposé et tu fais une croix rouge sur la personne qui se goinfre de hamburgers

A) Too many people have chosen the easiest option for meals. A drive-in , every one get his burger and french fries or any take-away made of processed food. They think they gain time but they also gain  weight and health problems. Nowadays, people are beginning to discover again the pleasure of eating fresh vegetables and fruits. And that's the better thing it could happen. Our body needs vitamins and fibers which are on vegetables and fruits, You shouldn't eat so much red meat (once a week is enough), then as many fish as you want, white meat and some eggs (not too much because of cholesterol). It won't cost you more to go to the market once or twice a week, than to use fuel to drive in a take-away !! Then you can prepare big meals with all you have bought, then separate in small portions that you put in the freezer and you're ok (you're done) for the week. 
You will feel better quite soon. First of all, you'll have to walk to the market instead of staying in your car seat. And then, instead of being a couch potato in front of your TV (en gros un "couch potato", c'est quelqu'un d'avachi sur le canapé à manger des pop corns en regardant la TV)you have to try to exercise...slowly but regularly....Have a walk with your family or friends, then try to jog with your best friend....You'll see the benefits in your body and in your head. You will not stop because if you do so, you'll go into withdrawal because your body and your mind will claim for it. Try one month, you'll be surprised by yourself !!

B) If kids don't like their new food, it's because they've never been used to it. Their parents have to act the way described above and make them participate to the activities as a game and why not, ask them to help to cook. To go to the market together is another idea : how many children (and sometimes adults) don't recognize such or such vegetables. Everything has to be made as games not duties.
The government should put more adds on TV to make people realize health problems the'll have if they don't take care of themselves. All kind of vending machines should be forbidden in every school, college from beverage distributors to sweet dispensers..
Jamie Oliver did a great job, I've seen some of his shows on TV....but it's not an easy thing to change a population's habits . So the government must not let it fall and its his duty to continue to reach Jamie's aim.

C'est très long, je sais.....à toi de faire le tri.....je dois malheureusement déco
mais je reviens plus tard

bonne soirée !!!