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Bonjour svpp aidez moi y’a juste une seule question c’est pour demain merci de m’aider
La question est :Qu’apporte ce pantalon aux filles qui le portent ?

Texte :The Sisterhood Of the travelling Pants
We the sisterhood hereby instate the following rules to govern the use of the travelling pants.
1. You Must never double-cuff the pants.It's Tacky.There will never be a time when this will not be tacky.
2.You must never say the word "Phat" while wearing the pants.You must also never think "I am fat" while wearing the pants.
3.You must never let a boy take off the pants(although you may take them off yourself in this presence)
4.You must not pick your nose While wearing the pants.You may,however,scratch casually at your nostril while really kind of picking.
5.Upon our reunion,you must follow the proper procedures for documenting your time in the pants.
6.You must write to your Sisters throughout the summer,no matter how much fun you are having without them.
8.You must pass the pants along to your Sisters according to the specifications set down by the sisterhood.Failure to comply will result in a severe spanking upon our reunion
9Remember:pants=love. Love your pals. Love yourself

Sagot :

1. vous ne devez jamais faire un ourlet au jean. c'est ringard
2.vous ne devez jamais dire que vous etes grosse quand vous portez lejean.3.vous ne devez jamais laisser un garcon enlever le jean, mais vous pouvez l'enlever ous meme.4.vous ne devez jamais abimer le jean.5.quand nous nous reverrons, vous devez ecrire sur le jean ce que vous avez fait pendant vos vacances.6. vous devez ecrire a vos sœur pendant toutes les vacances.8. vous devez envoyer le jean aux autres pendants les vacances.9. souvenez vous : le jean:amour. aimez vous.