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Bonjour , j'ai vraiment besoin d'aide svp car je ne comprend rien du tout et c'est pour dans 2 jours...
Exactly who were the 'perfect wives' of the 1950s ?
Women might have had the vote on the same terms as men since 1929, but for most that was pretty well the limit of their equality: working women were paid much less than men and despite the responsibilities and hard work many had done in wartime, they were still said to be inferior beings. Educatinal opportunities were limited. The 1944 Education Act was supposed to give everyone 'parity of esteem', bit that is not how it worked out . Many teachers and parents had narrow expectations for girls whose destiny used to be marriage , a home and a family , with work just an interim measure between leaving school and walking down the aisle , rather than a career. Just 1.2 per cent of women went to university in the 1950s.
Most men regarded running the home and parenting solely as a woman's responsibility , expected meals ready when they returned from work and made all the household décisions of consequence .
Nicholson stitches together some telling interviews to support this perception.

Voici les questions:
1) A quoi correspondent les dates citées:
- 1929
- 1944
- 1950s
2) Quel est le thème abordé dans le livre? Sois précis
3) Expliquer: " Women might have had the vote on the same terms as men since 1929, but for most that was pretty well the limit of their equality" Lignes 2 et 3
4) Explique le texte en quelques lignes
Merci beaucoup à ceux qui m'aideront !!!

Sagot :

1) je ne fait pas de phrases je te donnent directement les répondent mais fait des phrases
1929 correspond à ce que les femme aurait pu avoir. Vite que les hommes depuis 1929